How to Create Your Own Happiness - Part Two

Jun 04, 2019

A recent Gallup survey shows the unhappy state of America.  It reported increased depression, increased daily physical pain, increased day-to-day worry, declines in “positive energy” from family and friends, and declining satisfaction with their standard of living, among other things. Surveying over 2.5 million people it showed that happiness is in a sharp decline.  But anyone who desires happiness can achieve it by learning these principles I’m sharing on how to create your own happiness.  

So, how do you create your own happiness?
To get my first point, click here to see part 1.  Today we are starting on point #2.

To Create Your Own Happiness:

#2 Don’t manufacture unhappiness.  Seems obvious.  Yet so many of us do it!  Of course, not all unhappiness is self-created but there are enough problems created by life that we certainly don’t want to add to it by anything that we do.  To a large extent, by our thoughts and attitudes, we determine whether we are going to have happiness or unhappiness. We manufacture unhappiness by thinking unhappy thoughts and by the attitudes we habitually take such as assuming things are going to work out badly or that we never get a break.  One thing to note about the unhappiness producing process is that it usually involves fear and worry.

you can make it a habit to be happy. It will depend on the degree to which you have cultivated a happiness mindset. Proverbs 15:15 says, “He that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.”

Cultivate the happy living principle of love.  It’s simple, yet profound to live a life of love and good will towards others.  Developing sincere compassion and tenderness will produce happiness. Wherever you go, church, work, or a family picnic, watch to see if there is any way you can give someone more courage and hope.  You don’t know what a compliment on someone’s hair, outfit, storytelling abilities or way of explaining things will do for them.

Tolstoy, a famous Russian author said, “Where love is God is.” That would be accurate because God is love.  Where God is, where love is, happiness is also there. So practice love and you’ll create happiness both in yourself and in others.

Have a dynamic spiritual experience.  You aren’t likely to get great results with these principles I’m sharing even though they are biblical unless you have an experience that changes you inside.  I’m not only talking about being saved but experiencing the power of God in your life after salvation. People that are really living for God, that are sold out, leaning and trusting on Him completely are happier than people who half-heartedly attempt to live a Christian life.

A dynamic spiritual experience will get you free from yourself.  You find God to be a living and active reality. You get revitalized and you see changes in your life and that makes you happy.  

John 1:4 talking about Jesus says, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” Jesus makes your face light up, he brings vitality to your life he gives you the power to create happiness.  What you become determines the world in which you live, so as you change, your world changes also.

James 4:8-10 in The Message says, “Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.”

You can become skilled in the power to create your own happiness.  Realize that your unhappiness is making you miserable but don’t allow self-pity or self-punishment to come from this realization.  Don’t shrink from the effort it is going to take either.

Systematically insert the stress-busting principles I teach you and you’ll begin to want a new, joyful, stress-free life, and then you’ll realize that you can have it and then even more amazing you’ll see that you are actually getting it.  

I read a story of a man named Mr. Mattern that carried a business card with him that said, “The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.  Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for one week and you will be surprised.”

Maybe you are thinking, “There is nothing new in any of what you have said.” But really there is something new if you haven’t tried it yet.  Try it for a week and then let me know how it goes.

If you would like help in applying the stress-busting principles I teach into your life and want to go deeper on any of the concepts I've shared, set up a FREE strategy session with me to see how we can work together.







Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.