One Thing is Needed to End Stress (Part 2)

Sep 17, 2019

You will learn to walk in the spiritual realm as easily as a bird flies.”  This prophetic word given by God to one of His prophets makes my heart soar (pun intended).  Isn’t this the dream of every Christian?

I’ve been talking with God about why it seems to be so hard to see results in our Christian walk.  We believe by faith for something we need in our life, something that we see promised to us in the Bible, and yet it doesn’t happen.  This seems hard. Aren’t the things of God supposed to be so simple a child could do it?

I’m beyond the point of thinking maybe this isn’t God’s will.  No, I see this promise I need in the Word and so I know it is His will.  Why isn’t it happening?  

My mind goes next to it must be me because God never misses it.  Good theology but if I’m missing it, and I’m trying really hard, how hard is He making this?!  No, that doesn’t line up with the character of God that I know. “He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and He relents from punishing.” (Joel 2:13)  He's not trying to see how hard He can make this or try to hide it from us.

Hebrews 11:6 holds a clue for us.  “But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].

We’ve had a lot of teaching on the faith part of this verse but little on our faithfulness required.  There’s been not enough teaching, in my opinion, on the “earnestly and diligently seek Him out” part. Through too much emphasis on faith, I become so conscious of my faith or the need for faith that it becomes hard work.  I labor to enter into faith. This is why it seems like such hard work with little results.  

When a bird flies, they do it effortlessly, not conscious of the various elements that go into it.   We must become less conscious of our faith and just use it effortlessly. So, how do we do that?

By the second part of that verse “earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].”  Last week, I shared with you how my father came to me in a dream and repointed me in the direction of this One Thing that was needed.  You can read that here if you missed it. The One Thing is the presence of God.  

God is looking for your availability, not your ability.  You don’t need to be amazing at this faith thing, because He is the one who is amazing.  He hasn’t asked for you to bring to Him anything more than what you have. See? He HAS made this so simple even a child could do it.  

Those who hear and answer this call to worship and devotedness, to spending time in His presence will be rewarded and are blessed. Hear the Father’s love for you in these words that a sister in Christ shared…

My words are life to you.  Take them seriously and take them to your heart.  I have mentioned you to our Father many times. Our heart is for you.  Our heart is to bring you to a new place of wholeness. Don’t worry over how things have been up until now.  Today is just a matter of adjustment and grace. You have that and it is more than enough.”

It doesn’t take much for Him to move you to where you need to be.  The natural circumstances of life that you are so stressed about are no problem for Him.  

To live above the evil on this earth, you’ll need to get spiritually strong and you do that in His presence.  We’ll be able to say no to temptation from evil or even from distraction by spending time in His presence.  You can’t live with one foot in the world and one with God. That isn’t being devoted and it doesn’t get rewarded. 

We are a generation where much will be required of us because much has been given to us.  God continues to pour Himself out on us giving us next level revelation, building upon what He has previously shown other generations about the kingdom.  We learn the mysteries of the kingdom in His presence.

ONE THING is needed to get rid of stress.  It is His presence. From there all the answers we need will flow effortlessly and we’ll walk in the supernatural - the realm of heaven’s kingdom.  We’ll use our faith like a tool, an extension of ourself and we’ll do it easily, unconsciously as it just becomes a part of us. We won’t labor to get faith or to apply it. We’ll soar above the problems of this world as we bring heaven to earth!

Looking for more training on stressbusting?  Start here with this free gift of The 5 Best Ways to Break the Worry Habit.




Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.