Remake Your Life With an Invasion of Truth

Aug 06, 2019

Susan wished she could have a do-over in life.  She wished she could start over but with knowing all she knows now.  She told me she would make a lot of different choices this time around.  Right now she felt stuck in a life she didn’t want and wasn’t happy with. Not everything was bad, she was quick to add.  She loved her family and appreciated many good things about her life but she had a lot of regrets, dead dreams and a general lack of joy.

Although she knew this wasn’t possible to have a do-over, I told her it was possible to remake her life from this point she was at.  What she needed was an invasion of truth. “For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.” (John 8:32 TPT)

One of the greatest discoveries of mankind is the truth that you can alter your life by altering your attitude of mind.  Of course, God already knew that and told us, “For as he thinks within himself, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7 TPT) You can do a stress detox in your life by getting rid of old, tired, toxic thinking and replacing it with fresh, new creative thoughts of love, peace, and joy.  In the process, you’ll actually remake your life.

One woman changed her appearance, had more energy, her depression lifted and her pain from fibromyalgia decreased significantly when she let truth invade her life.  Talk about a remade life! And this happened in less than a month!

She had been developing her “muscles” of criticism, negativity and complaining for years.  When she embraced truth and started exercising the “muscles” of praise, appreciation, and encouragement, they went from barely imperceivable to bulging.

Another man said everything was going wrong in his life.  But after embracing truth, he realized that they were going wrong because he was thinking wrong, acting wrong and speaking wrong.  He recognized he had been negative, resentful, and opinionated. He had complaints about everyone he encountered. No wonder no one enjoyed being around him.

Perhaps you know a person that only talks gloom and doom, gossips judgmentally about others, tells you every complaint of how they have been wronged, how tired they are, or how terrible work is going.  They have a negative and defeated attitude. And they have a negative and unhappy life.  

If you can think and talk your way to unhappiness, you can also think and talk your way to joy, peace and rest.  The world you live in is not primarily determined by outward conditions and circumstances but by thoughts that habitually occupy your mind.  This is great news because you have the total capability to learn to control your thoughts and therefore remake your life! If your happiness was determined by outward conditions, most of which you can’t control, then you’d be without hope.

You can make yourself ill with your thoughts and you can remake your life and make yourself well by the use of different thoughts...thoughts that heal.  When you discover this truth works in every aspect of your life and that your mind has this incredible power to remake your life, you should never think another negative thought again!  

  • If a negative or defeated thought should come, don’t passively accept it. 
  • Find the truth in God’s word and then create a mental picture of how things should be.  Develop it firmly in your mind with details. How does it feel to have it? Let your body actually experience the feeling of having it. 
  • Pray about it.
  • Work at it if there is something you can do to change the circumstances.
  • Crowd out any negative or defeated thoughts with the truth found in God’s word. 
  • Speak the truth out loud. Your mind will believe what it hears coming from your own lips and will go about trying to bring it to pass.  

Whatever your situation is, you can improve it.  Get a vision from God of how He wants you to remake your life.  Get inspired by His truths found in Scripture of what Jesus died to give you, your inheritance, and who you now are in Christ.  Ask for what you want and need in prayer and believe that you receive it when you pray and you will have it. (Mark 11:24)

The main reason people live a life they don’t want, are unhappy and unsuccessful, is because they need to have an invasion of truth in their lives to push out the wrong, toxic thinking.   The truth will produce the right steps and the right results. If you think wrong, you’ll get the wrong outcomes. Get the truth in and you’ll get real freedom in your life. Freedom from failure, defeat, regret, stress, worry, and fear, just to name a few.  You CAN remake your life!



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.