Podcast Episode 001: The Most Brutally Honest 10 Minutes of Your Life


If you were brutally honest, have you received everything you wanted out of your relationship with God?  Or is there a deep cry in your heart that says there HAS to be more!?!?

The deep cries of our heart are really only reflecting the deep call of God. 

God tells me there IS more to life than what I've been experiencing.  And when I find it, stress, worry, fear, coping and defense mechanisms, anxiety, depression, and addictions play such a smaller role in my life.

Join me today and let's get brutally honest about the "deep calling to deep" that's happening in our lives.

CLICK HERE for free download of A Brutally Honest Journaling Worksheet if you'd like to dig into this deeper.

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.